Seducing the Vampire
He was mesmerizing, a vampire like none other...but the fire between Viviane andRhys would begin a centuries-long clash between two powerful vampire brothers.In Marie Antoinette’s Paris, the beautiful vampire Viviane seeks a male patron who willallow her to live on her own terms. Courted by two feuding brothers, Viviane succumbs tothe handsome rebel, Rhys. She’s unaware that Rhys has other, darker, motives. He seeksvengeance against his brother, Constantine--by stealing Viviane and tainting her with hisblood.But just as Rhys is realizing the depth of his love for Viviane, his brother takes hisrevenge. By casting a spell on the woman they both desire, he condemns her to a livingdeath inside a glass coffin.Two centuries later, Rhys hears the legend of the Snow White vampiress, imprisoned deep inthe tunnels under Paris. He must find her and set her free, but will he be able to saveher from the evil still intent on destroying them? Originally published in 2011.